Thursday, July 31, 2008

July 31st.

Tuesday July 31st. 1923

At home
E. Mayes Carting heavy stuff from Brettenham road to mend lower gateway in 12 acres.
J. Howe & F. Reynolds hoeing beet.
heavy rain last night

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

July 30th.

Monday July 30th. 1923

At home
E. Mayes Cutting Oats in Barn field.
J. Howe & F. Reynolds setting up sheaves in barn field.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July 29th.

Sunday July 29th. 1923

All at home

from Farm Work for the Year
Hop Garden: If weather be dry the space between the rows cannot be moved too frquently, the horse hoe or "midget" being kept going; in dry weather labour tells most effectually on the crop.
Special Crops: Teazels must be kept clean with the spade if they require it.

Monday, July 28, 2008

July 28th.

Saturday July 28th. 1923

At home
J. Howe & F. Reynolds Cutting round Winter Oats in Barn field & hoeing beet
E. Mayes take binder into Barn field & getting beet home

July 28th.

E. Mayes full week 30/0
J. Howe .. .. 25/0
F. Reynolds 4 days 16/8
W. Pearl 1 day 1/3

Sunday, July 27, 2008

July 27th.

Friday July 27th. 1923

At home
E. Mayes, J. Howe & F. Reynolds finish Cutting Peas

Saturday, July 26, 2008

July 26th.

Thursday Juoly 26th. 1923

At home
E. Mayes, J. Howe & F. Reynolds Cutting Peas

Friday, July 25, 2008

July 25th.

Wednesday July 25th. 1923

At home
E. Mayes, J. Howe & F. Reynolds Cutting Peas

from Agricultural Review for 1922

The total production of hops in England this year is estimated at 301,000 cwts., or 77,000 cwts. more than last year, and 26,000 cwts. above the average of the ten years 1912 to 1921. The average yield per acre for the whole country was 11.4 cwts., against 8.9 cwts. last year and 10.4 cwts. the ten years average. In Kent the yield per acre was 12.3 cwts., about one cwt. above average, and in the south-eastern counties generally over-average yields were obtained, especially in Sussex where there was a heavy crop of 14.2 cwts. per acre.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

July 24th.

Tuesday July 24th. 1923

All at home
E. Mayes & J. Howe finish crossploughing crown field
E. Mayes getting Beet home in the afternoon
J. Howe pulling Docks out of Peas

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

July 23rd.

Monday July 23rd. 1923

At home
E. Mayes & J. Howe ploughing in crown field
myself Cutting thistles in Rattlesden meadow

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

July 22nd.

Sunday July 22nd. 1923

All at home
Go for a ride round peppers corner & Castle

Farm Work for the Year
Hop Garden:
If weather be dry the space between the rows cannot be moved too frequently, the horse-hoe or "midget" being kept going; in dry weather labour tells most effectually on the crop.

Monday, July 21, 2008

July 21st.

Saturday July 21st. 1923

At home
E. Mayes & J. Howe crossploughing in crown field
myself & W. Pearl cutting thistles in Rattlesden meadow

July 21st.
E. Mayes full week 30/0
J. Howe 5 days £1..0..10
W. Pearl 1 day 1/3

Sunday, July 20, 2008

July 20th.

Friday July 20th. 1923

At home
E. Mayes & J. Howe crossploughing crown field
myself cutting thistles in Rattlesden meadow

Saturday, July 19, 2008

July 19th.

Thursday July 19th. 1923

Showerey (sic)
At home
E. Mayes finish shimming beet & start cross ploughing in crown field
myself ploughing in crown field
J. Howe at home

Cash account

April 1923


3rd. 20 1/2 Sc. H. Eggs
2 1/2 Sc. D. Eggs £1..11s..4 1/2d
5th. 18 lb. Butt at 2/0 £1..16s..0d
10th. 27 1/2 Sc. eggs at 1/4 £1..16s..8d
12th. 18 lb. Butt at 2/0 £1..16s..0d
17th. 30 Sc. Eggs at 1/6 1/2 £2..6s..3d
19th. 19 1/2 lb. Butt at 1/10 £1..15s..8d
24th. 32 1/2 Sc Eggs at 1/8 £2..14s..2d
26th. 19 1/2 lb. Butt at 1/10 £1..15s..8d
26th. Young sow £9..7s..6d


12th. Mr. Terry Harness £1..9s..0d
26th. Mr. Terry New Saddle £4..10s..0d

Friday, July 18, 2008

July 18th.

Wednesday July 18th. 1923

At home
E. Mayes finish shimming swedes & start in beet
J. Howe finish chopping out beet & help me to thatch Stover Stack

Champion Beast at London Smithfield Show
1901 Earl of Strathmore Aberdeen-Angus Heifer
1902 Earl of Strathmore Aberdeen-Angus Heifer
1903 R. L. Batchelor Shorthorn-Aberdeen-Angus Heifer
1904 Earl of Rosebery, K.G. Shorthorn Heifer
1905 Col. Chas. McInroy, C.B. Aberdeen-Angus Heifer
1906 H. M. The King Shorthorn Steer
1907 Peter Dunn Shorthorn Steer
1908 Countess Dowager of Seafield Aberdeen-Angus heifer
1909 Sir Richard Cooper, Bt. Aberdeen-Angus Steer
1910 J. J. Cridlan Aberdeen-Angus Heifer

Thursday, July 17, 2008

July 17th.

Tuesday July 17th. 1923

At home
E. Mayes finish Rib rolling crown field & start shimming in swedes
J. Howe chopping out beet

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

July 16th.

Monday July 16th. 1923

At home
E. Mayes harrowing Turnip & fallow land & start rolling crown field
J. Howe chopping out beet

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

July 15th.

Sunday July 15th. 1923

Heavy Storm in the afternoon
All at home

Farm Work for the Year
Stock Farm:
During this and the previous month cows continue to receive the bull, especially the earlier heifers at 16 months and 17 and 18 months old. Lambs are weaned in July, the ewes being taken from them and put into poorer pastures. The horse-work of July is not so heavy as that of other months , and they may be turned to grass at night. They will be employed in carting lime from kilns for spreading on the stubble after harvest. Drain tiles, too, may be fetched against needing them in winter time, and be placed in the fields to be drained. This is a suitable month for clearing out ditches and river courses. When bare fallows are necessary a good deal of work is done in July in cross-ploughing and scarifying, collecting and burning weeds, and another cross-ploughing may be accomplished.

Monday, July 14, 2008

July 14th.

Saturday July 14th. 1923

At home
E. Mayes & J. Howe Chopping out Beet
myself chopping out beet

July 14th.
E. Mayes full week 30/0
J. Howe .. .. 25/0
W. Pearl 1 day 1/3

Sunday, July 13, 2008

July 13th.

Friday July 13th. 1923

At home
E. Mayes finish ploughing between beet with breast off
J. Howe Chopping out Beet
Go to Buxhall myself with three lots of corn
bring one bag of midds (?) home & get a load of Beet

Saturday, July 12, 2008

July 12th.

Thursday July 12th. 1923

At home
E. Mayes ploughing in beet with breast off
J. Howe & myself docking in Rattlesden meadow

from Farm Work for the Year
Arable Farm:
Flax may be pulled as soon as the bolls get brown in July, and the land may be easily got into tilth for later turnips or mustard. Hay-making of the clover and sainfoin will be finished, and meadow hay-making begun in July. Silos may be filled, or silage stacks built.

Friday, July 11, 2008

July 11th.

Wednesday July 11th. 1923

Edith, myself & family go to Felixstowe
E. Mayes finish crown field
J. Howe finish docking in Big Brettenham field

Thursday, July 10, 2008

July 10th.

Tuesday July 10th. 1923

At home
E. Mayes ploughing in crown field
J. Howe & myself start docking in big Brettenham field

Cash Account
March 1923

22nd. To Barnard for Varnishing trap £2..10s..0d
22nd. To Godbold £1..0s..0d
22nd. To Silcock for leakes (?) £9..2s..5d
27th. W. R. Ennals 2 Cwt. L. Cake £1..10s..0d

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

July 9th.

Monday July 9th. 1923

At home
E. Mayes ploughing in crown field
J. Howe & myself docking in corner field

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

July 8th.

Sunday July 8th. 1923

All at home

Cash Account
March 1923

1st. 17 lb. Butt at 2/2 £1..16s..10d
6th. 14 Sc. H. Eggs 1/11 1/2 3 Sc. D 2/2 1/2 £1..14s..0 1/2d
8th. 17 3/4 lb. Butt at 2/2 £1..18s..5 1/2d
13th. 19 Sc. H. Eggs at 1/11 36/5
2 3/4 Sc. D. Eggs at 2/2 5/11 1/2 £2..2s..4 1/2d
Paid 2..0..4 1/2
15th. 1 Fat Pig £6..11s..0d
15th. 17 3/4 lb. Butt at 2/2 £1..18s..5 1/2d
20th. 25 Sc. H. Eggs at 1/11 1/2 £2..8s..11 1/2d.
3 Sc. D. Eggs at 2/2 1/2 6s..7 1/2d
22nd. 17 3/4 lb. Butt at 2/2 £1..18s..5 1/2d
22nd. Pony Trap & Harness £36..0s..0d
27th. 32 Sc. H. Eggs at 1/10 & 2/1 £2..19s..3d.
27th. 17 lb. Butt at 2/0 £1..14s..0d

Monday, July 7, 2008

July 7th.

Saturday July 7th. 1923

At home
E. Mayes ploughing crown field
J. Howe & myself docking in corner field

July 7th.
E. Mayes full week 30/0
J. Howe full week 25/0
W. Pearl 1 day 1/3

Sunday, July 6, 2008

July 6th.

Friday July 6th. 1923

At home
E. Mayes Ploughing crown field
J. Howe & myself docking in corner field

from Agricultural Review of the Year 1922

The large increase in the number of pigs last year has not been maintained. The total, 2,296,700 is some 208,800 less than in 1921, but still over 300,000 more than in 1920, and, apart from last year, is the largest since 1915.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

July 5th.

Thursday July 5th. 1923

Go to Stow
E. Mayes Ploughing in crown field
J. Howe docking in corner field

Champion Beast at London Smithfield Show
1896 Earl of Strathmore Aberdeen-Angus Heifer
1897 John Wortley Galloway-Shorthorn Heifer
1898 Earl of Strathmore Aberdeen-Angus Heifer
1899 H.M. The Queen Hereford Steer
1900 John Wortley Hereford Steer

July 4th.

Wednesday July 4th. 1923

At home
E. Mayes Ploughing in crown field
J. Howe & myself finish docking in oak field

Thursday, July 3, 2008

July 3rd.

Tuesday July 3rd. 1923

At home
E. Mayes Ploughing crown field
J. Howe & myself start docking in oak field

from Farm Work for the Year
Arable: Flax may be pulled as soon as the bolls get brown in July, and the land may be easily got into tilth for later turnips or mustard. Hay-making of the clover and sainfoin will be finished, and meadow hay-making begun in July. Silos may be filled, or silage stacks built.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

July 2nd.

Monday July 2nd. 1923

At home
E. Mayes Ploughing crown field
J. Howe & myself finish docking bullace field

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

July !st.

Sunday July 1st. 1923

All at home
Fred Sharpe came over

from Farm Work for the Year
Arable Farm:
Peas will be ready for harvesting towards the end of the month in Southern counties, also winter beans. Any rye that has not been cut for forage, or for silage, is now ripe, and will be ready for harvest. Turnips must be horse and hand-hoed, probably for the last time.
Any tendency to mildew in the earlier crop may be checked by sowing a cwt. of nitrate of soda per acre by hand between the rows. Carrots and parsnips, too, receive their last hoeing.

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