Monday, January 7, 2008

January 7th.

Sunday January 7th.

All at home

from Farm Work for the Year
Stock Farm: There is still generally more milk from long-calved cows than from the few already come to the pail. The dairy milk is thus confined to butter making. Feeding is regulated by the produce required or obtained from the cow. When milk-selling prevails the cow receives grains, Indian meal, and oil cake along with mangels, or carrots, or parsnips, with hay. Steers or down calvers receive chaff of hay and straw with a few turnips and mangel-wurzels. Cows as they calve sometimes get steamed roots mashed up with their straw and hay chaff. They get better food as their produce comes on and increases. Barley, sprouted and given as green malt, is wholesome food. Bean meal and Indian corn meal are a good mixture.

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