Friday, April 11, 2008

April 11th.

Wednesday April 11th. 1923

Showerey (sic)
Go to Gedding Mill for F. Reynolds
E. Mayes J. Howe spreading manure for beet
E. Mayes harrowing in the afternoon on Big Brettenham field.

from Farm Work for the Year
Mangels are sown or dibbled during the latter weeks of March and April on raised drills 24 and 30 inches wide, in which a good dressing of dung has been buried, and on which super-phosphate and guano have been sown broadcast. Land is being got ready for turnips. Carrots may be sown on the flat in rows 12 to 15 inches apart. Lucerne may be sown this month on any deep loam; if calciferous so much the better if clean and in good heart, 10 lb. to 12 lb.of seed being sown per acre in rows a foot apart. Sainfoin is sown in April, drilled or sown across the barley as that is coming up; 20 lb. of milled seed are sown per acre.

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