Wednesday, January 9, 2008

January 9th.

Tuesday January 9th. 1923

Showerey (sic)
At home
E. Mayes Carting muck out of Horse yard.
F. Reynolds at home

From "Agricultural Review of the Year 1922":
Wheat is the only corn crop to give an over average yield, the yield per acre being estimated at 31.1 bushels, or nearly half a bushel above the average of the ten years 1912 - 1921, but more than four bushels below the record crop of last year. Most eastern counties obtained appreciably heavier yields than usual, Norfolk being an outstanding exception. The total production is etsimated at 7,649,000 quarters, or 1,070,000 quarters less than in 1921, but 700,000 quarters greater than the pre-war average.

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