Tuesday, August 12, 2008

August 12th.

Sunday August 12th. 1923

All at home

Cash Account
June 1923

5th. Eggs at 1/10 Pr Sc £2..9s..6d
5th. 6 doz. to Sains 1/2 7s..0d
7th. 23 lb. Butt at 1/6 £1..14s..6d
7th. 8 Store Pigs at 74/0 each £29..12s..0d
12th. 20 1/4 Sc Eggs at 1/10 £1..17s..1 1/2d
12th. 12 Doz. to Sains at 1/2 14s..0d
14th. 21 lb. Butt at 1/6 £1..11s..6d
19th. 12 Sc Eggs at 1/10 £1..2s..0d
19th. 18 1/2 Doz Eggs (Sains) 1/2 £1..1s..7d
21st. 22 lb. Butter at 1/6 £1..13s..3d
26th. 11 Sc. Eggs at 1/10 1/2 £1..0s..7 1/2d
26th. 19 Doz eggs Sains 1/2 £1..2s..2d
28th. 19 1/2 Butter 1/6 £1..9s..3d


2nd. Mr. J. Horress (?) 1/2 yrs rent & rates £52..0s..0d
7th. Mr. Terry Collars £1..4s..6d
7th. Gilt from Stow £8..0s..0d
13th. 5 St flour 10 St Nidds from Mr Clovers £1..3s..4 1/2d
20th. N.F.U. subscription 13s..4d
28th. Tingay for cash £3..0s..0d

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